Updated February 20, 2020

Getting Started with React Navigation v5 - Stack, Tabs, Drawer, Authentication

Originally publish on reactnativebyexample.com.

Want more info? I've done an entire class dedicated to React Navigation v5.

In this video we'll do a somewhat quick deep dive into React Navigation and cover all the navigators you're likely to reach for first (Stack Navigator, Bottom Tab Navigator, Drawer Navigator), how to setup authentication, as well as a variety of other tips and tricks.

REACT NAVIGATION: https://reactnavigation.org/

CODE: https://github.com/ReactNativeSchool/getting-started-react-navigation-v5

Want to see a full React Native app that uses authentication? Check out our course Build an E-Commerce App with React Native and Stripe where we build a complete React Native app that leverages user accounts (and allows payment capture)!

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